Versión en español
El futuro de la carrera del actor Chris Hemsworth, conocido por su papel como Thor en el Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel, parece estar en el aire después de que se haya revelado que tiene un alto riesgo de sufrir la enfermedad de Alzheimer en el futuro.
Hemsworth ha declarado que no está hablando de retirarse, pero un informante sugiere que su calendario comienza a despejarse en un futuro no muy lejano. El actor de 39 años descubrió su alto riesgo de contraer la enfermedad mientras filmaba su docuserie de National Geographic y Disney+, «Limitless», y ha hablado públicamente sobre los intensos sentimientos que tuvo al recibir los resultados de la prueba.
A pesar de no ser un diagnóstico, la noticia ha llevado a Hemsworth a reconsiderar su carrera. El actor dijo que quiere tomarse un tiempo libre para estar con su familia y simplificar su vida, después de completar sus compromisos actuales.
Hemsworth y su esposa, Elsa Pataky, tienen tres hijos juntos, India, Tristan y Sasha. Por el momento, un representante del actor no ha hecho comentarios al respecto. Los fans del actor están preocupados por lo que esto podría significar para su futuro en Hollywood, pero por ahora, sólo queda esperar y ver qué decisión tomará Chris Hemsworth.
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«Thor on Pause: Chris Hemsworth Considers Taking a Break in His Career After Discovering His Alzheimer’s Risk»
English version
The future of actor Chris Hemsworth’s career, known for his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, seems to be up in the air after it was revealed that he has a high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease in the future.
Hemsworth has stated that he is not talking about retiring, but an informant suggests that his schedule is beginning to clear up in the not-too-distant future. The 39-year-old actor discovered his high risk of contracting the disease while filming his National Geographic and Disney+ docuseries «Limitless,» and has publicly spoken about the intense feelings he had when receiving the test results.
Despite not being a diagnosis, the news has led Hemsworth to reconsider his career. The actor said he wants to take some time off to be with his family and simplify his life, after completing his current commitments.
Hemsworth and his wife, Elsa Pataky, have three children together, India, Tristan, and Sasha. At this time, a representative for the actor has not made any comments on the matter. Fans of the actor are concerned about what this could mean for his future in Hollywood, but for now, all that is left is to wait and see what decision Chris Hemsworth will make.
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