Would you eat a 3D printed dessert?

¿Te comerías un postre impreso en 3D?

Versión Español
¡El futuro de la cocina ha llegado! Ingenieros de la Universidad de Columbia han logrado imprimir en 3D un delicioso postre de queso utilizando un láser de alta precisión. Esta tecnología permite crear alimentos de forma personalizada y en capas, lo que lo convierte en un electrodoméstico ideal para la cocina del futuro.

La receta para imprimir este postre es muy sencilla y solo se necesitan siete ingredientes. El proceso de creación consiste en exprimir cada ingrediente desde una jeringa en líneas finas, formando así el postre en capas y con una precisión increíble. Además, la impresión 3D podría ayudar en la planificación de comidas y hacer que los alimentos sean más higiénicos al disminuir la manipulación humana.

Aunque la tecnología aún es incipiente, los investigadores de la Universidad de Columbia creen que en un futuro cercano, la impresión 3D de alimentos podría convertirse en una realidad cotidiana. Sin embargo, por el momento, estas máquinas no son económicas, ya que el dispositivo utilizado para crear el postre costó alrededor de 1.000 euros sin incluir los láseres, que pueden costar 500 euros cada uno.

A pesar de esto, la posibilidad de imprimir alimentos personalizados y con precisión hace que el futuro de la cocina sea emocionante y lleno de posibilidades. ¿Te comerías un postre impreso en 3D? ¡La respuesta está en tus manos!

Would you eat a 3D printed dessert?
Would you eat a 3D printed dessert?

English version

Would you eat a 3D printed dessert?

«Would you eat a 3D printed dessert?» This may seem like a curious and somewhat confusing question, but engineers from Columbia University in New York have actually 3D printed a slice of cake! These researchers have created a variety of attractive and useful objects using 3D printers, and have recently taken it to the next level by creating this edible cheesecake slice using high-precision laser technology.

The easy-to-print recipe requires just seven ingredients: Graham cracker crust, peanut butter, strawberry jam, Nutella, banana puree, cherry drizzle, and of course, icing. This technology constructs the slice by squeezing each element from a syringe in fine lines, forming the dessert in layers. It’s a fascinating innovation!

Undoubtedly, this 3D printed dessert has generated a lot of buzz. This dessert was not made by any human hands, but by a 3D printer that engineers have been refining. It is equipped with lasers that aim to make it the ideal kitchen appliance of the future – a printer that not only cooks, but also personalizes whatever you desire.

The first attempt to make this cake did not have the correct texture, but after further attempts, it possessed an attractive and well-defined physical appearance. Mechanical engineer at Columbia University and lead author of the new article, Jonathan Blutinger, mentioned that currently, the cheesecake is the best they can show, but emphasized that the printer can do much more, such as chicken, vegetables, and more.

In addition, the researchers made it clear that 3D printing could help with meal planning while making food more hygienic by reducing human handling.

Blutinger also explained that 3D printing is still a nascent technology, so it needs an ecosystem of support industries such as food cartridge manufacturers, as well as downloadable recipe files and an ecosystem where these recipes can be created and shared.

But if there is one thing to highlight, it is that at the moment, these machines are not cheap. The device they assembled cost around 1,000 euros, not including the lasers, which can cost 500 euros each. However, it is likely that over time, the price will become much more affordable, and if so, this technology could function in the mass market.

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